Institute of Quality Science

The Institute of Quality Sciences commenced its activity on 1 October 2019 and continues the tradition and legacy of the Faculty of Commodity Science. The Institute comprises four departments: the Department of Food Quality and Safety, the Department of Non-Food Product Quality and Packaging Development, the Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance, and the Department of Technology and Instrumental Analysis.

About Institute of Quality Science

The Institute researches the natural, environmental, social and economic aspects of quality. This research includes the design, development and assessment and protection of the quality of food, non-food products and packaging in all life cycle phases, considering consumer needs and the impact on the environment. The research work is interdisciplinary, covering issues from management and quality sciences, food and nutrition technology, materials engineering, chemical engineering and chemistry. The research topics are in line with current trends in science and address critical economic and social issues, for instance, related to sustainable production and consumption development, closed-loop economy, and Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0. The Institute has modern laboratories equipped with unique research apparatus. Research is conducted in cooperation with many national and international research centres. Results are published in prestigious international scientific journals and are the subject of many patents. The Institute cooperates with enterprises by offering support and consultation in research and development works, performing research and expert opinions, and providing training. The Institute’s staff teach the quality sciences in the courses Quality and Product Development and Management and Production Engineering, where students acquire interdisciplinary knowledge of social and natural sciences and engineering competences.

Prof. dr hab. Ewa Sikorska

Prof. dr hab. Ewa Sikorska

  • Director of the Institute of Quality Science
  • Head of Department
  • Department of Technology and Instrumental Analysis Professor
Director of the Institute of Quality Science
Director of the Institute of Quality Science, Head of Department.
Building A, room no 024
contact data
Grafika przedstawia logotyp projektu "OPEN FACT". Składa się on z napisu "OPEN FACT" po prawej stronie oraz okręgu z trzema poziomymi prostokątami w odcieniach od czerni do bieli po lewej stronie.

OpenFact is again the most effective in detecting fake news

The OpenFact project implemented by our scientists received the highest number of points and a positive assessment after the second phase of the project. Thus, it repeated the success from a year ago, when after the first phase it was also rated the best among all teams participating in the program.
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Opening hours of the Reading Room and the Lending Library during the holiday season

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Zdjęcie przedstawia dwie kobiety stojące na tle baneru reklamowego Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Kobieta po lewej stronie ma krótkie blond włosy, ubrana jest w czarną marynarkę, białą koszulkę i czarne spodnie, a na nogach ma białe buty sportowe. Kobieta po prawej stronie ma dłuższe, ciemne włosy, ubrana jest w białą marynarkę, brązowy top i beżowe spodnie w kratę, a na nogach ma kolorowe buty.

Dr. hab. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, Prof. UEP completed a research internship at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

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Exploring the impact of BazEkon database on users [a survey]

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Zdjęcie przedstawia pięć młodych osób stojących na ścieżce w parku, otoczonych drzewami. Wszyscy są uśmiechnięci i mają uniesione ręce, wyglądając na szczęśliwych i zadowolonych. Od lewej do prawej: Mężczyzna w okularach, ubrany w niebieską jeansową koszulę i białą koszulkę. Kobieta z długimi blond włosami, ubrana w beżowy sweter i dżinsy. Mężczyzna z ciemnymi włosami, ubrany w czarną koszulkę i czerwoną koszulę w kratę, obejmujący dwie kobiety. Kobieta z długimi brązowymi włosami, ubrana w kremowy sweter i dżinsy. Kobieta z ciemnymi kręconymi włosami, ubrana w szary sweter i niebieską jeansową kurtkę. Tło zdjęcia stanowi zielony park z drzewami i lampą uliczną, sugerując przyjemną, naturalną scenerię.

Training for mentors of foreign students

Do you want to be a mentor of a foreign student? Register for training and take part in this intercultural adventure this autumn!
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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence can be viewed in the Reading Room – mgr Amadeusz Miązek

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Training School on Spectroscopy

Training School on Spectroscopy aims to deepen the trainee’s knowledge in the fundamentals, data processing and applications of different non-destructive spectral sensors.
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Saleh Md Arman awarded the Santander Prize

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Prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek and Dr. Łukasz Małys awarded by the Poznań University of Economics and Business’ Rector.

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Wielkopolska Press Photo 2021 – photography exhibition in the Lending Library

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Zdjęcie przedstawia pięć osób stojących na plaży nad morzem. Od lewej do prawej: Mężczyzna z brodą w okularach, ubrany w szarą koszulkę i czerwone spodnie. Mężczyzna w okularach, ubrany w szarą bluzę z kapturem z napisem "UEP" i krótkie, ciemne spodenki. Mężczyzna z włosami związanymi w kucyk na czubku głowy, ubrany w niebieską koszulkę i ciemne szorty. Kobieta z blond włosami, ubrana w czarną kurtkę, biało-czarną bluzkę w paski i jasnoniebieskie dżinsy. Kobieta w okularach przeciwsłonecznych, ubrana w kolorową bluzkę z motywem liści i ciemne spodnie.

Participation of members of the Department in the international scientific conference entitled. “Challenges in the development of modern organizations: digitalization, green governance, diversity”.

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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence on the Public Information Bulletin of the PUEB website – mgr Sven Markus Gruner

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The online training “How to Publish with Oxford Journals”

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Research jobs in Poland

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Behavioral modeling – challenges and opportunities

An open lecture titled "BaseModel: introduction to behavioral modeling" was led by Ksawery Smoczyński, Machine Learning Engineer at Synerise BaseModel, a graduate of our University and one of the founders of SRG Data Science.
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Grafika przedstawia slajd z prezentacji zatytułowanej "Standardization and Adaptation of International Marketing Activities in Countries with Strong National Identity" przygotowanej przez dr hab. Milenę Ratajczak-Mrozek, prof. UEP z Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu. W górnej części slajdu widoczne są przyciski aplikacji do wideokonferencji: zielony "Udostępniasz ekran" oraz czerwony "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie". Na slajdzie znajduje się logo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu. W prawym dolnym rogu slajdu są umieszczone trzy zdjęcia uczestników wideokonferencji: Na górze kobieta z blond włosami, w białej koszuli, podpisana jako Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek. W środku mężczyzna z ogoloną głową, podpisany jako Юрій Городніцький. Na dole mężczyzna w garniturze, podpisany jako Volodymyr Matviiykovskyi. Tło slajdu jest białe, a tekst jest napisany zieloną czcionką.

Lecture by Prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek at Kiev National University of Technology and Design

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Article by dr Izabela Śliwa in Liquid Crystals

Article by: Śliwa Izabela, Maslennikov Pavel V., Zakharov Alex V., titled “Formation of symmetric quasi-periodic structures in microsized nematic volumes imposed by crossed electric and magnetic fields” was published in Liquid Crystals.
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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence in the Reading Room – mgr Jakub Ryfa

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Two publications by Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek on the importance of relationships and the network approach

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Opis alternatywny: Zdjęcie przedstawia cztery osoby stojące na tle dwóch flag: polskiej i unijnej, w sali konferencyjnej. Od lewej do prawej stoją: Mężczyzna w ciemnym garniturze, białej koszuli i krawacie, noszący okulary. Kobieta w czarnym garniturze z białą bluzką, z krótkimi blond włosami. Kobieta w kolorowej bluzce z wzorem, w ciemnych spodniach, z krótkimi, ciemnymi włosami. Mężczyzna w ciemnym swetrze, jasnej koszuli i dżinsach, z ciemnymi włosami i brodą, noszący okulary. Wszyscy mają na sobie identyfikatory zawieszone na smyczach. Po lewej stronie widoczny jest roll-up z napisem "EUROPE DIRECT Poznań" oraz "Unia to nasza sprawa" i logiem Komisji Europejskiej. Po prawej stronie znajduje się roll-up z napisem "UEP", odnoszący się do Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu. Na pierwszym planie stoi okrągły stół z dwiema karafkami wody z miętą oraz dwoma szklankami.

Participation of faculty members in the international scientific conference “Resilient and transforming Europe. “Resilient and transforming Europe”.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia prezentację w sali konferencyjnej. Po lewej stronie stoi mężczyzna w ciemnym garniturze, trzyma mikrofon i pilot do prezentacji. Na ekranie za nim wyświetlana jest prezentacja zatytułowana "Survey of literature", zawierająca różne punkty w języku angielskim. Po prawej stronie zdjęcia siedzą trzy kobiety przy stole konferencyjnym, na którym znajdują się butelki wody, mikrofony i notatki. Wszystkie kobiety są ubrane w jasne stroje. W tle znajduje się roll-up z logo projektu "FOODie", współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską, przedstawiający informacje na temat projektu. Sala jest jasna, z oknami pokrytymi pionowymi żaluzjami po lewej stronie.

Dr. Marcin Soniewicki’s participation in the international conference “2nd International Congress on “Blue & Grey Collar Workers, An Alternative Neo-Human Relations Perspective”.

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Data Science at Allegro

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Workshop on Macroeconomic Research 2024 – submission deadline extended

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15th Online Seminar in Finance: Mihail Velikov, Pennsylvania State University

The Institute of Finance at PUEB is pleased to announce the 15th Online Seminar in Finance.
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An article by HAI Lab members in Ecological Economics

The April issue of the prestigious journal Ecological Economics (Journal Impact Factor 7.0) published an article, "Hard to digest investments: people oppose investment in both conventional and cultured meat producers".
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PhD position in Digital Finance, Data Science and AI

We are looking for a highly motivated and creative Ph.D. candidate interested in developing and applying AI models to create cryptocurrency risk indices.
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Change of opening hours of the Library on 29.05-1.06.2024

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Change of opening hours of the Library on 16.05.2024

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How and where to look for materials for a bachelor’s/master’s thesis? – we invite you to the training in May

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Article by dr Izabela Śliwa in Physical Reivew E

Article by: Śliwa Izabela, Maslennikov Pavel V., Zakharov Alex V., titled “Features of director reorientation in a thin nematic film under the influence of crossed electric and magnetic fields” was published in Physcial Review E.
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Workshops on fake news during the Poznań Science and Art Festival

As part of the 27th Poznań Festival of Science and Art, workshops on fake news detection were held. During the event, participants had the opportunity to learn how to distinguish fake news from real information and what tools they can use to verify content on social media.
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PUEB students came 2nd in IMA 2024 Student Case Study Challenge

A huge success for our students on the international stage! A standing ovation fully deserved!
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Change in the Capitalist Order and its Constraints

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Employees of the Department of International Marketing have been recognized by students!

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Okrągły zegar w czarnej ramce stojący na białym stole. W tle szara kanapa. Za oknem widnieje szary budynek.

Change of opening hours of the Library on 30.04-05.05.2024

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International Doctoral Seminars

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Trial access to Scopus AI tool

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19 study programs offerd by PUEB included in ranking “Eduniversal Masters Ranking – the best Master & MBA worldwide

In the ranking  "Eduniversal Masters Ranking - the best Master & MBA worldwide" for 2023, as many as 19 study programs implemented at PUEB are included.
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Article by prof. Krzysztof Echaust in International Review of Financial Analysis [Impact Factor = 8.2]

The journal International Review of Financial Analysis published an article by prof. Krzysztof Echaust, written in co-authorship with dr Małgorzata Just and prof. Agata Kliber, titled. "To hedge or not to hedge? Cryptocurrencies, gold and oil against stock market risk".
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Prof. Barbara Jankowska, Ph.D., elected as rector of PUEB for the term 2024-2028

Professor Barbara Jankowska is the 19th person to assume the position of rector since the foundation of the University in 1926 and the first woman to hold the office.
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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

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PUEB Sustainable Development Goals

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Computer terminals with access to specialised software in the PUEB Main Library

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SGH Doctoral Summer School on contemporary challenges in politics, business and economy

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The Baltic University Programme

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14th Online Seminar in Finance: Sebastian Müller, Technical University of Munich

The Institute of Finance at PUEB is pleased to announce the 14th Online Seminar in Finance.
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Springer open access publishing programme

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Positive programme evaluation for our fields of study

The Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee, by resolutions of 21 March 2024, awarded two fields of study: Economics and Finance, Auditing, Investment, conducted at the PUEB at the first- and second-degree level, a positive programme evaluation for a period of six years.
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How and where to look for materials for a bachelor’s/master’s thesis? – we invite you to the training in April

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Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch in Operations Research and Decisions

Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch, titled „How can one improve SAW and max-min multi-criteria rankings based on uncertain decision rules?”, was pubslished in the journal Operations Research and Decisions.
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13th Online Seminar in Finance: Söhnke M Bartram, Warwick Business School

The Institute of Finance at PUEB is pleased to announce the 13th Online Seminar in Finance.
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Professors Beręsewicz and Szymkowiak appointed to task force at UNECE

Dr. Maciej Beręsewicz, Prof. UEP, and Dr. Marcin Szymkowiak, Prof. UEP, from the Department of Statistics at the Poznań University of Economics, have been appointed to the Task force on defining and measuring new forms of international migration at the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for 2024-2026.
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Awards for our students in the Eurostat competition “The Web Intelligence – Deduplication Challenge”

Students of Informatics and Econometrics - Mikołaj Tym and Jakub Żerebecki (2nd degree, 1st year, speciality: Information Systems for Business and Administration) - took part in the competition "The Web Intelligence - Deduplication Challenge" organized by Eurostat.
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Nowa lokalizacja wypożyczalni

New location of the Lending Library

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IASS Webinar 38: Data Integration, Data Linkage and Linked Data Analysis

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The most cited scientific sources on multilingual Wikipedia

The study analyzed 332 million references from 61 million Wikipedia articles in 309 different languages.
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Professor Elżbieta Gołata elected Chairwoman of the Committee on Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2024-2027

On March 7, 2024, the inaugural meeting of the Committee of Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences was held in the new term 2024-2027, during which elections to the Committee's Presidium were held.
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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence on the Public Information Bulletin of the PUEB website – mgr Justyna Wilak

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The Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School

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Prof. Preslav Nakov visits the PUEB

During the meeting, the next stages of cooperation in the field of fake news detection using artificial intelligence were discussed.
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Seminar on the quality of multilingual Wikipedia and its information sources

An open scientific seminar of the Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics entitled "Automatic quality assessment of multilingual Wikipedia articles and identification of its important information sources on various topics" took place at our University.
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Establishment of PUEB research data repository

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Training entitled “PUEB Collection in RepOd Open Research Data Repository”

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The Executive MBA Poznań-Atlanta program takes 3rd place in the Perspektywy MBA Ranking 2024

PUEB has been recognized as the best program in Poland in terms of career support for our graduates and the second best in Poland in terms of teaching staff.
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De Gruyter eBooks database – trial access until 30.04.2024

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The implementation of the PoMost program has begun

We are happy to see the interest of students from outside the PUEB in our teaching offer.
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Taylor and Francis eBooks database – access to more than 155,000 books

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“𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 & 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲” course online

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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence on the Public Information Bulletin of the PUEB website – mgr inż. Anna Maria Mikołajczak

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European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy

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PRME World Tour Research Paper Development Program 2022-2024

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Guinness World Record for the longest time editing Wikipedia

The Guinness World Records officially awarded the title for the longest Wikipedia editing marathon - editing the encyclopedia continuously for 100 hours! Our scientist also took part in this event.
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Announcement of a competition for PhD students (one position)

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Summer Workshop on Macro & Finance 2024

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Open publishing in Emerald Publishing for PUEB

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Open publishing in Cambridge University Press journals for PUEB

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Okrągły zegar w czarnej ramce stojący na białym stole. W tle szara kanapa. Za oknem widnieje szary budynek.

A change in the opening hours of the Lending Library and Reading Room on 7-23.02.2024

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An International Staff Week “Research at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences”

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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence in the Reading Room – mgr Bartosz Zagierski

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Overdue fines payment via the Przelewy24 app

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The interesting announcement of an NCN research scholarship.

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Resilient and transforming Europe

Along with the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the EU, we warmly invite scholars and researchers in the fields of economics, finance, management, and international relations to celebrate as well as discuss the latest advancements in the European economy.
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Siedzący studenci podczas wykładu w nowoczesnej sali z projektorem.

Using BI and GenAI tools in business data analysis

The open lecture led by Ihor Muzyka, Head of Analytics at the Żabka Group, was an opportunity to learn more about how the choice of role and position affects the development of a career path in analytics, which data analysis tools are chosen by modern organizations.
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Announcement of a competition for PhD students (one position)

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SciFlow tool for editing and formatting scientific articles – test access until 9.02.2024

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PhD Students Seminar Doctoral School Poznan University of Physical Education

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Machine learning in business

Professional experience shows that the tasks of an expert in the field of machine learning go beyond the process of creating models. So what else needs to be done and what is “Ops” all about? These and many other questions were answered during an open lecture by Jacek JankowiakDuring the presentation, participants had the opportunity to explore the process through which the machine learning model (ML) in the business context, learn about popular ML models used in companies and techniques that are recognized in the professional environment. The speaker also explained how to translate complex machine learning concepts into a language understandable to non-professionals, which allows for wider use of these technologies in the organization. Jacek, sharing his personal experiences, also gave advice on how to effectively function as a data analyst and how to gain recognition in this field.
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“Technology, Innovation and Growth (TIG 2024)”

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Professor Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek appointed to EAEPE council

The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) has recently appointed Professor Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek to its council for the 2024-2026 term. The council consists of eminent scholars from the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, and Spain.
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Project “Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence: Aversion and Admiration in an Organizational Context”

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Measuring Americanization in different regions of the world using multilingual Wikipedia and Wikidata

The research paper entitled "Quantifying Americanization: Coverage of American Topics in Different Wikipedias" was published in the Social Science Computer Review journal. This is the first quantitative study that confirms various theories about Americanization and related phenomena often discussed in scientific literature.
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How and where to look for materials for a bachelor’s/master’s thesis? – we invite you to the training in January

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PoMost Program is launched

This academic year, starting with the summer semester, students of Poznań public universities, including the Poznań University of Economics, will be able to participate in the PoMost program.
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Green and digital transition in the EU – international seminar

The international seminar “Green and digital transition in the EU” is going to be held on January 17th, 2024 at the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland), as part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCoE) "Resilient and transforming Europe" (Transform EU) activity.
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Article by dr Izabela Śliwa in Journal of Molecular Liquids

Article by: Śliwa Izabela, Maslennikov Pavel V., Zakharov Alex V., entitled. "Surface effect on the phase separation in thin liquid crystal film as seen from a mean-field approach" was published in the Journal of Molecular Liquids.
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COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine: impact of crises on maritime transport

The article by employees of the DIS was published in the journal "Networks and Spatial Economics". This work focuses on analyzing the impact of global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, on maritime traffic and their effects on the global and local economies.
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Assessment of information quality on Wikipedia

The latest issue of the ACADEMIA journal published an article that focuses on automating the process of assessing the quality of content in Wikipedia, an encyclopedia available in many languages.
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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence on the Public Information Bulletin of the PUEB website – mgr Tomasz Kaczmarek

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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence on the Public Information Bulletin of the PUEB website – mgr Maciej Słomian

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Awards in the 28th PUEB Best Diploma Theses Competition

Theses written under the supervision of scientists from Department of Information Systems received awards in the 28th edition of competitions for the best bachelor’s, engineering and master’s theses defended at the Poznań University of Economics and Business in the academic years 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023.
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Scientific sources of information in various topics and language versions of Wikipedia

The article by employees of the Department of Information Systems PUEB was published on the ScienceDirect website. As part of the scientific research, hundreds of millions of references in Wikipedia articles from various language versions were analyzed to identify scientific sources of information.
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“AI School” workshops for students with experts from Microsoft and Żabka Group

Representatives of SRG Data Science took part in the "AI School" workshops organized by Microsoft and Żabka Group. It was a great opportunity to learn more about generative artificial intelligence.
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Christmas wishes

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Library opening hours during the Christmas and New Year period

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Taylor and Francis eBooks database – trial access until 31.12.2023

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Webinar on identifying important sources of information on Wikipedia

The analysis of over 60 million Wikipedia articles allowed the identification of over 330 million references to sources. Based on the use of various evaluation models, rankings of the most important sources of information for each language version of the encyclopedia were prepared.
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Doctoral dissertations prior to defence in the Reading Room – mgr Viki Haichin

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“Workbook for Microeconomics. Exercises and Solutions”- Springer’s publication by prof. Krzysztof Malaga and dr Karolina Sobczak-Marcinkowska

A book authored by Karolina Sobczak-Marcinkowska and Krzysztof Malaga was published: "Workbook for Microeconomics. "Workbook for Microeconomics. Exercises and Solutions".
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The Baltic University Programme for PhD Students

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Awards in the 26th Competition for the Best Diploma Theses in the field of Business Informatics

In this year's edition of the NTIE competition for the best diploma theses in the field of business informatics, PUEB supervisors and graduates took first places in each of the three categories: bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses.
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Cooperation within EIOPA partnerships programme.

Poznań University of Economics and Business has started cooperation within The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) partnerships programme.
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Elections to Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk) for the term 2024-2027

Employees of the Institute of Computer Science and Quantitative Economics were elected to Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk).
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Employees of the Department of Operational Research and Mathematical Economics in the Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Malaga and dr hab. prof. Marcin Anholcer, prof. UEP were elected as members of two Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2024-2027 term: Committee on Economic Sciences of PAN and Committee on Statistics and Econometrics of PAN.
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The Director of the National Science Centrm has awarded funding for a project whose applicant is a PhD student from the UEP Doctoral School

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Prof. Marian Gorynia has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Wroclaw University of Economics

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The International Women’s Day Conference in Economics, Finance and Management

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The seminar: “Crises as a catalyst of solutions in economics, finance and management”.

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the Interdisciplinary Scientific Circle of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

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RSA Research Network CPnet Digitalizing Regions and Cities As A Driver For Post-Industrial Transition – Online Workshop

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Lecture: “Tests for functional data” M.Sc. Merle Munko from Otto-von-Guericke-Universität in Magdeburg

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How and where to look for materials for a bachelor’s/master’s thesis? – we invite you to the training in November

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Center for American Studies invites you to participate in “Academic Writing Made Easy”

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Lectures of prof. Krzysztof Malaga at ESFAM SOFIA

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Malaga delivered a series of lectures in French on economics and management to students participating in the MTT master's program supervised by the Pasquale Paoli University of Corsica at ESFAM in Sofia.
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Doctoral and habilitation promotions 2023

On October 27, 2023, the ceremonial habilitation and doctoral promotion took place at the Poznań University of Economics and Business.
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Article by prof. Krzysztof Echaust in Research in International Business and Finance [Impact Factor: 6.5]

The journal Research in International Business and Finance published an article titled "Cryptocurrencies against stock market risk: New insights into hedging effectiveness," co-authored by dr hab. Krzysztof Echaust.
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PUEB rector signed Magna Charta Universitatum

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PUEB scientists at the University of Economics in Bratislava

This academic year, the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Economics in Bratislava - a partner university of PUEB - celebrated its 70th anniversary.
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Support for the development of the internationalization of our Doctoral School under the NAWA STER Program

We are pleased to announce that our University has received support for the development of the internationalization of our Doctoral School under the NAWA STER Program.
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Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

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The Baltic University Programme student conference: Environment and Well-being

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No access to databases outside the UEP network

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The Baltic University Programme PhD Students Training

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Colloquium on automatic assessment of Wikipedia quality at Tufts University

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Research visit of Dr. Milena Stróżyna to the University of Bayreuth

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Article by prof. Anholcer in European Journal of Combinatorics

The European Journal of Combinatorics has published a paper titled "Majority choosability of countable graphs", co-authored by dr hab. Marcin Anholcer.
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AMBA accreditation for MBA offered by PUEB

We are pleased to announce that the Poznań University of Economics and Business has been reaccredited for the third time by the AMBA accreditation (Association of MBAs) for the next 5 years (until June 2028).
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Article by dr Izabela Śliwa in Journal of Molecular Liquids

Article by: Śliwa Izabela, Maslennikov Pavel V., Zakharov Alex V., entitled. "Influence of surfaces on structural properties of liquid crystals" was published in the Journal of Molecular Liquids.
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Open Science Fair Conference

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Scientific Conference Bibliometric Analyses of Open Science

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PubMet 2023 Conference

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An article by prof. Krzysztof Malaga in the journal Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law

The journal Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law published an article entitled "Changes on economic freedom in 11 post-socialist countries of Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in 1996-2022," co-authored by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Malaga.
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The 12th Asia-Pacific International Conference

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Prof. Krzysztof Malaga as participant in the Summer Scientific Seminar at ESFAM

From 10th to 12th of July 2023 prof. Krzysztof Malaga participated in the Summer Scientific Seminar on "Evaluer et agir".
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Student questionnaires

We kindly remind you that in the USOSweb system, the possibility of filling in student questionnaires on the evaluation of didactic classes conducted in the summer semester 2022/2023 has been launched.
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PUEB at the top of the ranking list

The Poznań University of Economics and Business is again at the forefront of the ranking of universities prepared by the "Perspektywy".
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Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch in Operations Research and Decisions

Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch, titled  "Scenario planning as a new application area for TOPSIS, was published in the journal Operations Research and Decisions:
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CFA Institute affiliation for the Quantitative Finance program

We are pleased to announce that the Master's degree program Quantitative Finance received the affiliation of the CFA Institute within the University Affiliation Program.
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International Doctoral Seminars

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Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch in Central European Journal of Operations Research

Article by dr hab. Helena Gaspars-Wieloch, titled "Possible new applications of the interactive programming based on aspiration levels - case of pure and mixed strategies" was published in Central European Journal of Operations Research.
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Professor Enzo Defilippi at the Poznań University of Economics and Business

The Poznan University of Economics and Business served as the organizer and host institution for the event entitled „55th TRC Meeting - Gdańsk 2023” in days April 20-23, 2023.
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UEP as organiser of the 55th TRC Meeting – Gdansk 2023

The Poznan University of Economics and Business served as the organizer and host institution for the event entitled „55th TRC Meeting - Gdańsk 2023” in days April 20-23, 2023.
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BSIS IMPACT international certificate for PUEB

On 13 April 2023, the Poznań University of Economics and Business was awarded the international Business School Impact System (BSIS IMPACT) certificate by EFMD Global.
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The Editorial Board of the scientific journal ”Social Inequality and Economic Growth”(40 pts. according to the list of the Ministry of Economic Affairs) invites submissions of scientific articles.

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Presentation of the OECD 2022 Economic Survey of Poland with the participation of the Deputy Secretary General of the OECD

On February 28, the Poznań University of Economics and Business hosted a prestigious conference devoted to the presentation of OECD 2022 Economic Survey of Poland. The report for 2022 was personally presented by the Deputy Secretary General of the OECD - Yoshiki Takeuchi, who came to Poznań to participate in the conference.
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Seledynowy Ball

More than 250 people took part in the oldest ball in Poznań, which was organized on February 18th in the richly decorated interiors of the auditorium of the Poznań University of Economics and Business.
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First lecture of Executives in Residence program

The Executives in Residence initiative at the University of Economics is a new format for working with high-level international executives
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New Year Wishes

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Budynek A Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, z frontu, przed budynkiem widnieją drzewa.

UEP among the 200 best universities in the world

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Our PhD student is the winner of the FinTech competition

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prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski, Rektor Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

The PUEB Rector is the chairman of the Council of Rectors of the City of Poznań

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Monograph edited by prof. Bartosik-Purgat published by Routledge Publishing House

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Prof. Gliszczyńska-Świgło among the 2% most influential scientists in the world

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Inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023 at the Doctoral School

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Poznań Night of Scientists

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The dr Anna Chwiłkowska-Kubala’s work awarded in the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) competition

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Completion of the CENETSIE project

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Fontanna Alei Niepodległości, na jej tle widnieje Budynek A Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu z lewej perspektywy.

Teaching excellence of the University

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Prof. J. Majewska is the editor of „Annals of Tourism Research”

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Prof. Waldemar Budner received the title of professor

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The “Poznań Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology” (Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny) in the Google Scholar Metrics 2022 ranking

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Results of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities

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Results of the first stage of the competition for the best-managed non-governmental organisation

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PUEB will implement two NAWA Intervention Grants projects

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HAI Lab members’ article in ”International Journal of Bilingualism”

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Winners of the OPUS 22 + LAP/Weave competition

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Delegation from Zeppelin University in Germany at PUEB

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Visit of a delegation from the D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics

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Polish-German research grant implemented by the Department of Public Finance

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PUEB students take the 3rd place in CFA Ethics Challenge 2022

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Development of cooperation between the universities of Poznań and Bavaria

On July 3-6 this year. AMU Rector prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska and the PUEB Rector prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski visited Bavaria at the invitation of the rectors of local universities.
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First place for PUEB in the IDOL competition in the category of Institution Open to the Blind

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PUEB researchers have created a Student Pre-Incubation and Project Challenge Programme

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Fontanna Alei Niepodległości, na jej tle widnieje Budynek A Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu z lewej perspektywy.

PUEB at the 3rd place in the Perspektywy ranking!

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II Days of Young Quality Leaders 2022

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Bronze for our student in the 2nd World Cup in rowing

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The New Generation in the New Economy – a study by PUEB researchers

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Our student is a world champion in duathlon

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Gold for PUEB students at Polish senior championships

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Monograph by female PUEB researchers published by Routledge

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Our students are the winners of Enactus Poland National Competition 2022

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Prof. J. Szambelańczyk is a chairman of the advisory panel in “The Best of the Best! 4.0.”

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PUEB at the European Financial Congress

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Our student received the Student Nobel Prize for social activity

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Student Nobel Prize for PUEB student

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Article by prof. Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek in “Industrial Marketing Management”

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PUEB graduate is a winner of competition for the best master’s thesis on migration issues

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Study visit to Nofima, Norway

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Growing contribution of PUEB staff to the development of AIELF and RIELF

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Polish edition of the book by prof. Galor, dr hc. PUEB

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Prof. Walczak among the experts of the Horizon Europe program

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Excellent performance of our athletes at the Polish Academic Championships in Poznań

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Results of NCN OPUS and SONATA competitions

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Conference of Rectors of Universities of Economics (CRUE) in the University of Economics (UE) in Katowice

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PUEB Day 2022

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The visit of a delegation from Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University from Ukraine

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Our student the best on the 400 meters distance at the Polish Academic Championships

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Results of the Professor Wacław Wilczyński National Competition

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PUEB has joined the group of Signatories of the Diversity Charter

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Our student gave a speech at the EP during Europe Day

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Final of the Inter-school Competition entitled “Economic Key to the Future”

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Silver and bronze for our female students in powerlifting triathlon

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The visit of a delegation from Hanover to our dormitory for refugees from Ukraine

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Our female graduate second in the world at Wings for Life

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Hipolit Cegielski Society medals for PUEB employees

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The final of the “Finansomania”, the National Olympiad of Knowledge about Finance

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We’ve already donated PLN 358,500 for assistance for Ukrainian students!

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We have raised PLN 21,000 for Ukrainian students and their families!

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Final of the 23rd edition of the Food Knowledge Olympiad

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Article by prof. Paweł Mikołajczak in the Journal of Business Research

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Pomnik siedzącego na krześle Zbigniewa Zakrzewskiego przed Budynkiem A Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu. W prawej ręce trzyma laskę, a w prawej kapelusz.

PUEB among the best universities in the world

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Information about of the federation of Poznań public universities – Creating a federation of higher education institutions. A legal perspective

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We express our full solidarity with the victims of aggression

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The legal basis for the creation of a federation of state higher education institutions. Continued

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PUEB research impact

Check our recent video about research conducted at PUEB and its impact on the environment.
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