SUSTA Erasmus + Project

TPM#2 Prague, Czech Republic, the Czech University of Life Sciences



During the first day of our Transnational Meeting we visited the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and we had a tour around the camp. The tour was focused on the sustainability aspects of the University, and the ways that the University is trying to make their camp as eco-friendly as possible. In addition, we discussed about the main issues of the project, such as the goals and the administrative matters of the project.

Day 2.

During the second, meetings about the results of the Intellectual Output 1 were presented. The results were about the desk research conducted by our Hungarian Partners. The aim of this research was to showcase the number of Sustainability courses in the Universities of each Partners country. It was clearly indicated that most of the countries lack in this field and Sustainability course should be implemented.

The second presentation of this day was also about the findings from our first survey that was distrusted to the students during the last semester. The survey was made in order to figure out what are the learning needs of students, meaning what students want to learn in regards with sustainability, and what are the issues that students face in their countries. Based on the results, it was found that in average most students think of climate change as the most important issue that they have to face, while they want mostly to learn about Sustainable production. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis was also made in order to analyze if the student issues can explain their choice of learning needs. Based on the statistical analysis, it was found out that student issues and learning needs are correlated.

After the presentation of the results, the future goals and directions were presented in order to assign tasks in each team for the Intellectual Output 2. The Croatian Partners gave more details about the Output 2, which will be focused on the creation of the syllabus of the teaching course on Sustainability. During this presentation, all of the teams did a brainstorming in order to identify the area of knowledge and the skills for each key competences for this course. Five key competences were presented:

  1. Recognizing and critical analysis of sustainable development goals in modern management
  2. Recognizing innovative approaches in sustainable industry and sustainable consumption
  3. Developing and managing sustainable business strategies and processes
  4. Implementing green supply chains and business logistics
  5. Budgeting and reporting on the implementation of sustainable business practices


In the end of the meeting deadlines were set in order to proceed and conclude the Intellectual output and to be aligned with the time-structure of the Project.

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