SUSTA Erasmus + Project

TPM#5 Poznan, Poland, the Poznan University of Economics

The primary objectives were to comprehensively summarize all project results and engage in discussions related to final management, impact assessment, and reporting. This gathering aimed to provide a conclusive overview and reflection on the achievements and impact of the entire project.


During our time in Poznan, beyond the formal meeting agenda, we had the opportunity to engage in various discussions and agreements that contribute to the project’s successful outcomes.

The detailed meeting agenda for the TPM in Poznan included discussions on project progress reports, IO6, project final report, and future project proposals. Additionally, partners had the opportunity to visit the Enigma Cipher Centre and participate in a networking evening. The second day focused on discussions related to the project’s final report, future project proposals, and a formal closing of the meeting.

The event concluded with anticipation for the enduring impact of the SUSTA+ Erasmus Project and the potential for future collaborations.

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