Studenci - aktualności

WEBINAR: Study Abroad in AUSTRALIA: a Semester Full of Possibilities

You are cordially invited to a webinar about the Study Abroad program in Australia! 🌏

If you’re dreaming of a semester abroad, an Australian adventure is right up your alley. Join us to learn why you should choose Australia.

When: 19 June at 10:00 a.m.

During the meeting:

  • You’ll learn what student life is like in Australia;
  • You’ll learn about the cost of a semester of Study Abroad;
  • You’ll meet representatives of Australian universities who will answer your questions;
  • You’ll get information about the subjects available in various fields of study;
  • You’ll see what on-site student support is like: accommodation, airport pick-up and assistance with paperwork and student visa;
  • You will learn about the advantages of working, which helps cover living expenses.

Event hosted by: Poznań University of Economics and Business
Meeting host: Adrianna Maksym, PUEB graduate and an Australia Study representative
Special guests: representatives of Edith Cowan University (ECU), Kaplan Business School and RMIT University

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to start your educational adventure in Australia!

Sign up here for our webinar:

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