
Protecting People and Planet. How Fair Trade enterprises contribute to sustainable market transformation

22 stycznia, 2024

You are warmly invited to the online open lecture on 22nd January 2024, 5 – 6:30 pm CET:
“Protecting People and Planet. How Fair Trade enterprises contribute to sustainable market transformation”
given by Leida Rijnhout, Chief Executive WFTO – World Fair Trade Organization
During the lecture we will answer the questions:

  • what is Fair Trade (short background and explanation of this notion),
  • how Fair Trade contributes to the achievement of SDGs (how it evolved from countering poverty in the South to a broader attitude to environmental issues and system change),
  • why there is a need for sustainable business models (SBM) and how Fair Trade enterprises answer to this need (case studies of such enterprises like Seepje or Malonge),
  • what are the current challenges and developments within Fair Trade enterprises, Fair Trade market, and WFTO important to achieve sustainable market transition.

Here is the link you can use to join the meeting: https://ue-poznan-pl.zoom.us/j/93994886396?pwd=akdnS0JyeGpvRG42cEE2NVBoTGJrQT09

The lecture is organized by Student Scientific Association of Sustainable Business „Trade Fair”, under the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCoE) project „Resilient and transforming Europe” (TRANSFORM EU)

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