
Konferencja Workshop on Survey Statistics 2024. Dzień 4

29 sierpnia, 2024

The BNU Workshop on Survey Statistics 2024 will be organized in August 26-30, 2024, in Poznań, Poland.

The workshop will be of a hybrid type, connecting in-person participation in Poznań and online participation for those registered participants who cannot attend in person.

The scientific program covers both innovations in established methods on survey and official statistics and new and emerging approaches in the area.

The Workshop is organized by the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics in cooperation with partner universities and several national statistical institutes and associations. The Poznań University of Economics and Business and the University of Helsinki have primary responsibility. Today, the BNU network involves partners from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine.
Baltic-Nordic co-operation on survey statistics started in 1992 by the initiative of Prof. Gunnar Kulldorff and was developed as the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics from 1996 on. The BNU network has organized annual events since 1997.

More information about the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics are available at the BNU website.

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