Konferencje UEP Uniwersytet

Resilient and transforming Europe

10 maja, 2024

Along with the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the EU, we warmly invite scholars and researchers in the fields of economics, finance, management, and international relations to celebrate as well as discuss the latest advancements in the European economy.

We welcome submissions that explore a wide range of research areas, addressing the complex and evolving landscape of the EU and its position in the global economy. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Transformation of the European Union and its transformative role in the world.
– Internationalisation and competitiveness of businesses and industries in times of environmental, technological, geo-economic, and geo-political transformation.
– Impact of twin (green and digital) transformation on cross-border trade in goods and services.
– Managing business and social relationships by resilient and sustainable companies.
– Building resilient supply chains in the post pandemic era: A focus on Europe.
– Green and sustainable finance.
– Development of international business research in the CEE region since the year 2004.

The main language of the conference is English, however, selected sessions and events will be held in Polish.

Submission Deadline: 8 March 2024

Workshops and Special Events

1. Presentation of awards in the competition for the best undergraduate and graduate theses in the field of international economics and business: Join us in celebrating the 10th Jubilee of the competition along with the induction of 2024 Competition Laureates (Event in Polish on 10th May).

2. PhD Student Workshop: A workshop tailored for Ph.D. students as well as authors of theses nominated for the competition for the best thesis in the field of international economics and business, providing valuable insights and guidance on research methodologies and publication strategies.

3. Personal Development Workshop: Join PUEB trainers for a workshop designed to help secondary school teachers refine their teaching methods in the field of economics and business (Event in Polish on 10th May).

4. The Institute of International Business and Economics Jubilee: Join us in celebrating the fifth anniversary of the establishment of our Institute (including a Gala Dinner on 9th May).

For details, please visit: https://ue.poznan.pl/uniwersytet/instytuty-i-katedry/instytut-gospodarki-miedzynarodowej/konferencja/

Conference website here 

You can watch event’s live streaming on PUEB YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@uepoznan

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