Szkoła doktorska Uniwersytet

Support for the development of the internationalization of our Doctoral School under the NAWA STER Program

We are pleased to announce that our University has received support for the development of the internationalization of our Doctoral School under the NAWA STER Program in the amount of PLN1.62m. Thus, we found ourselves in an elite group of 15 beneficiaries, including the largest Polish universities with doctoral schools educating several hundred doctoral students per year, and we were ahead of many of such universities in the competition procedure.

The funds raised will be used in the years 2024-2027 mostly for:

– increasing the international mobility of our doctoral students
– stays of foreign visiting professors
– foreign academic tutoring for our doctoral students
– conducting doctoral research projects in international cooperation

For more information, please visit the NAWA website:

With a sense of social responsibility, we conduct innovative research and educate leaders of the future!

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