Projekt NAWA Spinaker

Informacje o Projekcie NAWA Spinaker – Intensywne międzynarodowe programy kształcenia – Sustainable Financial Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools

Tytuł projektu: Sustainable Financial Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools

Budżet: 346 910,00 PLN

Nazwa programu: SPINAKER – Intensywne międzynarodowe programy kształcenia

Źródło finansowania: Program jest współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój, projekt pozakonkursowy pt. „Wsparcie zdolności instytucjonalnej polskich uczelni poprzez tworzenie i realizację międzynarodowych programów studiów” (Działanie: 3.3 Umiędzynarodowienie polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego), określony we wniosku o dofinansowanie projektu nr POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18.

Cel projektu: umiędzynarodowienie UEP i wzrost udziału zagranicznych studentów I stopnia w kształceniu Uczelni poprzez opracowanie i realizację intensywnego międzynarodowego programu kształcenia dot. zrównoważonej analizy finansowej przedsiębiorstwa i narzędzi Business Intelligence (BI).

  • Intensywny międzynarodowy program kształcenia (2 edycje, każda po 25 osób, 60h) będzie realizowany w formie szkoły letniej w oparciu o 3 moduły:

1) zrównoważoną analizę finansową przedsiębiorstwa (32h),

2) narzędzia BI (Tableau i MS Power BI) (18h),

3) promocję kultury polskiej i oferty edukacyjnej UEP (10h).


Project title: Sustainable Financial Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools

Budget: 346,910.00 PLN

Program name: SPINAKER – Intensive international education programs.

Source of funding: The program is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, a non-competitive project entitled „Supporting institutional capacity of Polish higher education institutions through the creation and implementation of international study programs” (Measure: 3.3 Internationalization of Polish higher education), specified in the application for project funding no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18.


Aim of the project: internationalization of PUEB and increase in the share of foreign first degree students in the University’s education through development and implementation of an intensive international training program on sustainable corporate financial analysis and Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

  • The intensive international training program (2 editions, 25 students each, 60h) will be implemented in the form of a summer school based on 3 modules:

1) sustainable corporate financial analysis (32h),

2) BI tools (Tableau and MS Power BI) (18h),

3) promotion of Polish culture and educational offer of PUEB (10h).

Power Bi & Tableau Poznań Summer School has a lot to offer to Bachelor’s degree students:

  • Innovative classes in English that enrich knowledge in the field of Sustainable Financial Analysis (2.2 ECTS points) and Financial Modelling with Business Intelligence Tools (1.5 ECTS points);
  • The topic itself and the use of modern IT solutions, such as Power Bi and Tableau. In business, these solutions are becoming a standard, but they have not yet been permanently included in university curricula. Thus, you will receive unique skills that give you an advantage on the labour market;
  • Opportunity to cooperate with the best: experienced experts from other European countries, selected academic teachers from Poznań University of Economics and Business and respected business practitioners who work and develop software in the Power Bi & Tableau environment on a daily basis;
  • In addition, our Summer School offers a great opportunity to immerse yourself in Polish culture and get to know the vibrant city of Poznań. You will have the opportunity to experience the city’s rich history, delicious cuisine and cultural attractions.
  • At the end of the program, you will gain valuable insights and skills that will help you succeed in your future career, confirmed by the certificate of completion of Power Bi & Tableau Poznań Summer School;
  • The important benefit is the scholarship in the amount of PLN 4,000 (about EUR 870).


Course details:

Course dates and application deadlines:

Application forms will be open from May 1st, 2023.

We offer two Summer School editions, each for 25 participants on the following dates:

  1. First edition: June 30th to July 9th, 2023 – application deadline is May 31st, 2023
  2. Second edition: July 7th to July 16th, 2023 – application deadlines is June 10th, 2023

Course length: 10 days, 60 class hours (1 class hour = 45 minutes)

Course mode: on campus with some online lectures


  1. Financial analysis and sustainable development (32 class hours, hybrid)
    • lectures (8 class hours, online)
    • workshops (24 class hours, on-site)

The course covers the following topics:

  • Main concepts of financial analysis, the objectives, sources of information and methods,
  • Liquidity and financial strength analysis,
  • Assets analysis, Working capital analysis, Liabilities analysis, Financial covering of assets analysis
  • Revenue analysis, Costs analysis, Profit and profitability analysis
  • Value creation analysis, Analysis of companies’ position on the capital market
  • Basic concepts of sustainable financial analysis, ESG and taxonomy,


  1. Business Intelligence Tools (18 class hours, hybrid)
    • Tableau (4 class hours, online)
    • MS Power BI (14 class hours, on-site)


  1. Introduction to Polish culture (10 class hours, on-site)


Who can apply:

The course is aimed at international Bachelor’s degree students of Economics, Finance, Business Management, Social Science or similar fields.


Formal requirements:

Students interested in applying for our Summer School need to submit the following documents:

  • a filled out application form,
  • a certificate of English or language skills at minimum level CEFR B2,
  • a scanned copy of your passport (page with photo and personal information),
  • a student status confirmation for the current summer semester (including university’s information, field of studies, programme, year of studies, study mode, etc.)
  • a confirmation of passing the last semester of studies with average grade point and grading scale,
  • a Polish visa or Polish residence permit valid at least until the end of the Summer School – candidates from countries where Polish visa is required to enter the country must present a valid visa at least two weeks before the programme start date.

Participation costs:

The programme is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. We offer scholarships of 4000 PLN for 50 accepted participants (25 per each edition) to cover the tuition fee, travel costs and living expenses. Accommodation will not be provided.

Other important information:

Participants need to have basic knowledge of spreadsheets and bring their own laptop.


Koordynator programu (Programme Coordinator)
dr hab. Andrzej Niemiec
Tel.: (+48) 61 854 37 78
Collegium Altum, p. 815 (Collegium Altum building, room 815)

Specjalista ds. Rekrutacji (Admissions specialist)
Mgr Maria Brendel
Tel.: (+48) 61 854 39 05
Budynek A, p. 129 (Building A, room 129)

Apply for Summer School here


Poznań University of Economics and Business Launches Inaugural Summer School on Sustainable Financial Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools

Poznań University of Economics and Business (UEP) is excited to announce the commencement of the first edition and second of its „Power BI & Tableau Poznań Summer School,” taking place from June 30 to July 10, 2023 and July, 10 to 17, 2023. This groundbreaking initiative, part of the „Sustainable Financial Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools” project, is co-funded by The Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange and the European Social Fund and aims to internationalize UEP while enhancing the skills and knowledge of 48 international students in sustainable financial analysis and Business Intelligence. The program comprises three comprehensive modules, with plans for its integration into UEP’s regular curriculum and the publication of educational materials in English to ensure sustainability. Future editions are in consideration, contingent on available funding. This initiative underlines UEP’s commitment to global education and skills development.

  • First Edition of the Summer School, June 30 to July 10, 2023

    On June 30th, Dr. Andrzej Niemiec inaugurated the first edition of the Poznań Power BI & Tableau Summer School at the Poznań University of Economics and Business.

    From June 30 to July 10, 2023, the first edition of the Poznań Power BI & Tableau Summer School is taking place at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, focusing on sustainable financial analysis and Business Intelligence tools. The program, carried out as part of the Spinnaker – Intensive International Curricula project, has brought together 16 participants from various nationalities, including Spain, Kazakhstan, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, and Italy. This initiative opens the door to future editions, subject to the availability of funding sources, especially in the field of Business Intelligence training.

  • Second Edition of the Summer School, July, 10 to 17, 2023

    Inauguration of the second edition of the Poznań Power BI & Tableau Summer School at the Poznań University of Economics and Business, led by Dr. Andrzej Niemiec.

    From July 7th to July 17th, 2023, the second edition of the Poznań Power BI & Tableau Summer School is taking place at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The program is focused on sustainable financial analysis and Business Intelligence tools as part of the „Spinnaker – Intensive International Curricula” project. The school has been completed by 32 participants from various countries, including Belarus, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Romania, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and Italy. This initiative is aimed at global education and skill development in the field of financial analysis and BI tools.

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