Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z serii Online Seminars in Finance, które odbędzie się 28 października 2022 r. (piątek) o godz. 11:00.
 Gościem seminarium będzie prof. Andrew Urquhart (Henley Business School, University of Reading), który przedstawi artykuł: „Bitcoin Scams
 Seminarium dostępne będzie na platformie Teams; link do seminarium: 4th Online Seminar in Finance: Andrew Urquhart – click to join the meeting.

Speaker: Andrew Urquhart, Henley Business School, University of Reading
Date: October 28th, 2022, 11:00 (Warsaw time)
Title: Bitcoin Scams
Abstract: In this paper, we study the frequency and magnitude of Bitcoin scams on the Bitcoin blockchain. We show that scams are common, but in most cases, the amount scammed in small in magnitude. However interestingly, the same scammers continue to scam users on the network and therefore we show the market does not learn. We then track scammers and show that the majority of the time, they liquid their Bitcoin to fiat through one exchange. Finally, we show that those who are scammed continue to use the bitcoin and don’t appear to be discouraged by being scammed.Speaker’s bio: Professor Andrew Urquhart is the Professor of Finance and Financial Technology and Head of the ICMA Centre at Henley Business School, University of Reading. He holds a PhD from Newcastle University. Prof. Urquhart’s main research interests are fintech, cryptocurrencies, corporate governance and high-frequency trading. He has published over 50 papers in over 20 leading international journals such as Nature, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, European Economic Review, Journal of Financial Stability, European Financial Management, Financial Review, Quantitative Finance, British Accounting Review, amongst others. His research has received considerable attention with over 4600 citations and he regularly presents his work at leading international conferences as well as writing media pieces.