Current Trends in Quality Science. Innovative and sustainable products, materials, and technologies.

Zapraszamy do lektury monografii pt. „Current Trends in Quality Science. Innovative and sustainable products, materials, and technologies” pod redakcją Katarzyny Michockiej i Mariusza Tichoniuka, która zawiera kolekcję artykułów prezentowanych podczas 2nd International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2023.
Nowadays, the landscape of consumption and production is shaped by pivotal trends that resonate deeply with environmental concerns. Whether propelled by evolving consumer attitudes or enforced through legislative mandates, the imperative to address environmental sustainability has become increasingly pronounced. Concepts like sustainable development and the circular economy have permeated not only business practices but also everyday life, reflecting a growing societal conscious-ness toward responsible resource management. Simultaneously, the march of technological progress continues unabated, bringing further innovations. Yet, as novel products and technologies emerge, questions arise not only about their functionality and efficacy but also about their environmental impact and safety implications. Modern technologies should be not only compatible with sustainability goals but also instrumental in driving them forward (…). The papers included in the monograph entitled Current Trends in Quality Science. Innovative and Sustainable Products, Materials, and Technologies evaluate sustainable technologies (related also to waste recycling), present food and packaging innovations, and discuss consumer attitudes towards food waste and environmental protection activities.
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