Current Trends in Quality Science Quality management and safety of food and non-food products.

Zapraszamy do lektury monografii pt. „ Current Trends in Quality Science Quality management and safety of food and non-food products” pod redakcją Marii Sielickiej-Różyńskiej, która zawiera kolekcję artykułów prezentowanych podczas 2nd International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2023.
A growing demand for safe and high quality products is effecting in extensive scientific re-search. Several factors may influence the quality and safety of food and non-food products and the control of them seems to be of great importance. The papers included in the mono-graph entitled Current Trends in Quality Science. Quality management and safety of food and non-food products cover the area of managing the quality and safety of products from different perspectives. In total, the collection of thirty one papers written by the authors representing Polish and foreign academic institutions gives a new perspective on current issues in the field of Management and Quality Sciences.
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