SUSTA Erasmus + Project

TPM#1 Kick off meeting of SUSTA (online)

18-19.03.2021 r.
Kick-off meeting of SUSTA was successfully implemented with all the partners attending and discussing about the future directions of the project.
During the meeting the main topics that were discussed were about:
  • Project Implementation
  • Financial issues
  • Disseminations
  • Intellectual outputs
  • Upcoming project tasks
Additionally,  the 1st Intellectual Output of the project was presented and the partners discussed about its implementation.
The aims of the 1st Intellectual Output are to provide a research-based background in order to develop syllabus and teaching materials for sustainability. It is concentrated not only on the analysis of students awareness of sustainability issues, their expectations connected with the teaching sustainability but also on existing university courses on sustainability in partners’ countries.

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