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Previous ICQMSc 2021

to the 1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021
 (1st ICQMSc 2021)

Dear Colleagues,

it is our honor and great pleasure to invite you to the 1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021

(1st ICQMSc 2021) to be held online from 13 to 15 September 2021 in Poznań, Poland.

The conference is organized by Institute of Quality Science, formerly Faculty of Commodity Science, at Poznań University of Economics and Business, and it is continuation of International Commodity Science Conference (IComSC), which last, fifteenth edition, was held in Dolsk, in 2019.

The scientific program of the conference will focus on advances in all areas of quality, commodity and management sciences, and their role in sustainable development. We believe that the conference will be a forum for exchanging new knowledge and ideas at the interface of social and natural sciences, and will provide opportunity for establishing and strengthening scientific collaboration between specialists in various disciplines. We hope for a broad participation of the experienced researchers, PhD and graduate students, and practitioners interested in all aspects of quality, commodity and management.

The special session during the conference will be dedicated to prof. Zenon Foltynowicz in recognition of his achievements in quality (commodity) science, on the occasion of his retirement.

We cordially invite you to participate in the conference.

Yours faithfully,

Prof. Ewa Sikorska, Director of Institute of Quality Science, PUEB

Prof. Hanna Śmigielska, Head of Organizing Committee

Honorary Committee
Prof. Maciej Żukowski, HM Rector of PUEB – head
Prof. Andrzej Chochół, Cracow, Poland
Prof. Jan Jasiczak, Poznań, Poland
Prof. Zenon Foltynowicz, Poznań, Poland
Prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski, Poznań, Poland
Prof. Piotr Przybyłowski, Gdynia, Poland
Prof. Romuald Zalewski, Poznań, Poland
Prof. Ryszard Zieliński, Poznań, Poland
Prof. Jerzy Żuchowski, Radom, Poland
Prof. Ryszard Żywica, Olsztyn, Poland
Scientific Committee
Prof. Ewa Sikorska, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland – head
Prof. Magdalena Ankiel, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Joanna K. Banach, The University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
Prof. Barbara Borusiak, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Bożena Borycka, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities, Poland
Prof. Ryszard Cierpiszewski, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Szymon Cyfert, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Pasquale Giungato, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Prof. Anna Gliszczyńska-Świgło, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Sebastian Gryglewicz, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezińska, The University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
Prof. Małgorzata Jarossová, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Marta Karkalíková, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Małgorzata Koszewska, Łódź University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Małgorzata Krzywonos, Wrocław University of Economics and Business, Poland
Prof. Anna Lewandowska, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland

Prof. Alina Matuszak-Flejszman, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland

Prof. Rodica Pamfilie, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Prof. Sabka Pashova, University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria
Prof. Stanisław Popek, The Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Natalie Pritulska, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
Prof. Harshadrai Rawel, University of Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Renata Salerno-Kochan, The Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Maria Śmiechowska, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
Prof. Aleksandra Wilczyńska, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
Organizing Committee
Prof. Hanna Śmigielska – head
Prof. Daniela Gwiazdowska – secretary
Dr. Krzysztof Juś
Prof. Inga Klimczak
Prof. Wojciech Kozak
Dr. Katarzyna Marchwińska
Dr. Katarzyna Michocka
Dr. Krzysztof Wójcicki
Mgr Julia Szutowska
The scientific program will be devoted to the recent advances in quality, commodity and management sciences and role of these disciplines in sustainable development. Particularly, the focus will be on the quality of processes, products and packaging from a multidisciplinary perspective, including management, technological, consumer, and environmental aspects.
Main topics include, but are not limited to:
Design, quality and safety of food and non-food products
Innovative materials and packaging technologies
Consumer-driven product development
Sustainable consumption
Quality and product management
Management for sustainable development
Quality in Industry 4.0 era
Circular economy
Eco-design and eco-innovations
The scientific program will consist of plenary lectures,keynote lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations.

Conference Program
The general schedule the 1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021 is available in the files for download.
1st ICQMSc 2021 is going to be held online using Gridaly platform:

Daniel Cozzolino, University of Queensland, Australia
Sensing technologies and big data – their role in sustainable food chain

Ulf Gustavsson, European Organization for Quality, Brussel, Belgium
European Organization for Quality – transforming into the digital era

António Marques, Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), Portugal
Validated eco-innovative sustainable solutions for the seafood production and processing

Esther Sendra Nadal, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain
Consumer Sensory Studies for food companies: challenges and trends

Paulo Sampaio, University of Minho, Portugal
Quality 4.0: state-of-the-art, definition and developments

Raquel Sendón, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Food packaging: main concerns regarding its safety

Harshadrai Rawel, University of Potsdam, Germany
Rape seed proteins: Potentials and perspectives in their bio- and technofunctional properties

Zenon Foltynowicz, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
Will conferences remain an essential part of every scientist’s life? Special session

May    31, 2021    extended registration deadline
July    15, 2021    abstracts submission deadline
June   15, 2021    information about conference form (online or hybrid)
June   30, 2021    fee payment deadline
July    15, 2021   deadline for submitting articles

The conference fee is 70 EUR (300 PLN). There is a special fee for young researchers (students and PhD students) of 50 EUR (200 PLN).  The same fee applies to online or on-site participation. The registration fee includes: attendance to the conference, book of abstract and certificate of participation. Each registered participant may submit maximum two abstracts.

The additional fee for publishing a full paper in a conference monograph is 60 EUR (250 PLN). This fee should be paid per paper, regardless of the number of authors, by the corresponding author along with the conference fee. Papers submitted for the monograph will be subject to a peer review process.

There is also an option of publication in Polish Journal of Commodity Science.


Payment information


The conference fee should be paid by bank transfer to:


Account to pay in PLN

Payee Account Name: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Payee Address: al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań

Account No: PL 54 1090 1359 0000 0000 3501 8918

Santander Bank Polska SA

Transfer title: ICQMSc 2021, name and surname, and affiliation of the participant


Account for payment in EUR

Payee Account Name: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Payee Address: al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań

Account No: 02 1090 1359 0000 0001 0062 7162


Transfer title: ICQMSc 2021, name and surname, and affiliation of the participant

Abstract and Paper Submission


All abstracts must be submitted as an e-mail attachment in MS Word format to not later than 31th May 2021. The title of the document should be the corresponding author’s name (e.g. Kowalska_abstract). One presenting author may contribute with a maximum of two abstracts. Authors indicate the main topic and preferred form of presentation during the registration. The final decision will be made by the Scientific Committee.


All papers must be submitted as an e-mail attachment in MS Word format to not later than 30th June 2021. The title of the document should be the corresponding author’s name (e.g. Kowalska_manuscript). When preparing your paper, please follow the attached guidelines.

Poster and presentation guidelines

Guidelines for the preparation of presentations and posters are available in the download files.

Book of Abstracts 2021

Book of abstracts are available in the download files.

Online conference

The conference is going to be held ONLINE from 13 to 15 September 2021 using Gridaly platform:

English will be the official language of the Conference.

Conference address


Institute of Quality Science

Poznań University of Economics and Business

Al. Niepodległości 10

61-875 Poznań



Conference e-mail:

Conference website:

Research Gate: 1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences

Facebook: ICQMSc2021

1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021

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